“Tell me about your experience in the theatre today”. Even though theatres (with this

question) may seek honest, personal, and in depth answers from the audience, this

question often results in superficial responds focused on what the audience suspect

the theatre wants to hear. It can thus be difficult to get personal and detailed

knowledge about the audiences’ experience. In a time, where theatres with different

means (co-creation, participation etc.) try to keep audience loyal and engaged, this

knowledge is important. In our project, we explore how different situations, locations,

questions etc. affect conversations about art experiences and in this article we

describe our “search for a space for conversation”. We explore how the space affects

the conversation, and how the setting can emphasize certain elements. What

happens to the conversation if we sit around an ordinary meeting table, if we walk

and talk outside the art institution or if we talk inside the auditorium, where we had

the original art experience? This explorative study is part of the project “A Suitcase of

Methods”, which is housed by The Royal Danish Theatre and financially supported

by The Bikuben Foundation.

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