The 4th European Audience Data Alliance (EADA) forum – by invitation

Following on from the Berlin meeting September 2023, we are pleased to announce the 4th Audience Data Alliance forum. Date and time: Monday the 29 of April. Venue: Vartov, Farvergade 27, 1463 Copenhagen at 9.30am-16.30pm (Suggested arrival on April 28th). Please register to Applaus directly no later than April 22nd via the pink button here.

Fee to cover catering during the day

DKK 500


Following on from the Berlin meeting September 2023, we are pleased to announce the 4th Audience Data Alliance forum.

The meeting is planned as a full one-day event including an evening dinner the night before and is structured in accordance with the agreed principles, from the Berlin work sessions and online meeting the 3/4/2024.

The main emphasis of the forum is to gain deeper insight in to current European projects and evaluate the potential for greater collaboration across regions and countries.

April 28th: Arrival and joint dinner

For those arriving the day before we would like to invite the participants for a joint dinner at Madklubben on Vesterbrogade 62, 1620 Copenhagen V at 6pm – Please RSVP if you plan to participate in the joint dinner no later than April 22nd to

For anyone interested Frederik Fabricius will lead an informal and optional guided walking tour through Copenhagen. Please send a mail to Frederik if interested to

April 29th:

09.30 Registration

10.00 Welcome by APPLAUS + Introduction to the Day

  • Lene Struck-Madsen – APPLAUS

10.10 Status on the Audience Data Alliance – Berlin + Ghent

  • Round up of the Berlin meeting & the Ghent Manifesto
  • Review of Questionnaire
  • Plenum/Frederik Fabricius

10.20 Key European Data Literacy Projects 

  • Diagnosing skills and professions for the future/Supporting artistic creation in a digital age
  • Fondazione Fitzcarraldo

11.00 Short Break 

11.10 Large scale Big-Data solution for the Cultural and Tourist sector 

  • Danish Case Study by Kristian Mortensen, Applaus
  • Presentation, discussion and Q&A

12.00 Lunch 

13.00 Institute for Research on Cultural Participation – Berlin 

  • Showcase: Data collection and use
    • The IKTf conducts studies on visitors and non-visitors to cultural offerings, such as continuous population surveys. It is also responsible for the scientific quality assurance of the Berlin-based visitor research system KulMon (KulturMonitoring).
    • Analysing audience data to extract valuable insights, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to enhance programming, marketing strategies, and audience engagement initiatives.
  • IKTf – Vera Allmanritter

13.45 The Common Data Exchange Platform 

  • “The signatories of the Ghent manifesto acknowledge the importance of data-driven audience development for the CCS. They undertake to actively collaborate by becoming members of the European Policy Forum on Data-Driven Audience Development”.
  • How can we as a forum react/respond/contribute to this EU policy?
  • Karel de Rudder, PUBLIQ

14.14 Break 

14.45 Audience Analysis and Engagement Strategies – Speed Presentations 

  • Deploying a Data Platform for Benchmarking Theatres – The Norwegian Model
    • Ingrid Handeland/NPU, Norway
  • The art of turning research into results
    • Fiona Bell/Thrive, Northern Ireland
  • A hands-on approach to youth cultural engagement: “Sörmlandsmodellen”
    • Staffan Udd, Scenkonst Sörmland, Sweden
    • A program whereby all school children get to see two stage-performances every year.
  • Working Collaboratively
    • Pepe Zapata/Grup Focus – Barcelona
    • A professional hub leveraging skills and content across theater, television, movie theaters, events, management of spaces, service technicians, communications, rights management and more.

15.45 Wrap up and what’s next?

  • Member status & recruitment
  • Forum formats
  • Next venues

16.15 Decompression and networking! 

The fee covers forum participation, food and beverages on the forum day, but not travel and accommodation.